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Lmao this is the 200th pome in a row
what even is time?
Have I really done 200 of these
little ditties, these little head poppers,
these wordybirdyweirdybards?

Ok, the last nickname bit of a stretch, but
this is because I am kinda amazed,
that I kept toiling and pumping out
pomes that occasionally feel amateur!

This means we got 165 more to go,
which means not only am I over halfway
but that there will be some kind of
tridecapome, but no quadradecapome,
and that is a shame.

I like the word quadriceps, and quintuple,
and nonagon but especially nonagon
because I reckon that is
the most overlooked shape
and I have harped on about this
over one hundred pomes ago, I am sure.

So then! With a jolly good show and wave,
with a fizz pop bang of champagne and
multicoloured streamers that are all yellow,
I celebrate! And keep on trucking!