Same Day Delivery

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If you need it now,
if you cannot wait,
if your heart is pounding
if the anticipation great,
if your knees are buckled,
if its before 8:00,
if you want it badly,
if you stay up late,
if you tense up poorly,
if you might just feint,
if you have the cash,
if you pass the plate,
if you think you’re special,
if you chance your fate,
if you read any of these,
if you can relate,
then hit that button,
do not contemplate,
order now,
you sophisticate,
your hearts desire,
bound by freight,
shall reach your fingers,
and illuminate,
the moving shadows
within your state,
and fill the vacuum,
and shut that gate,
you’re mine now,
you foolish ingrate,
I stole your soul,
(my villainous trait,)
cursed forever,
Dorian’s portrait.