Craving Biscuits

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Biscuits biscuits biscuits biscuits biscuits,
I fancy some biscuits and some tea
and by my powers combined,
I shall dunk said biscuits in said tea
and come away a happy conqueror!

I am lording over these biscuits,
especially the bourbons,
not so much the custard creams,
jammie dodgers are fine,
nice are nice,
but malted milk and tea oh my gosh
you looking for a combination of godlike
dunking ability then this is the Michael Jordan
of biscuits
and I am the hoop,
and I guess the ball is the tea?
Who are the spectators? The table cloth?
What if I am biscuits in the garden?
Or on a train to Shropshire
to find a horse?

I forgot about shortbread,
a dark horse of dunkings, where they partially
absorb and each bite feels like
eating a tree!

Perhaps the spectators are the biscuits
still in packets, though this would
make me a cannibal and I refused
that pathway many years ago,
I shall not start again with biscuits.