Some Kind of Purpose

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Reasons, meanings, destiny, fate
the whole shebang flitters around
in the air above my head, like
some kind of cartoon where
I have been hit on the noggin,
but no stars are twirling, only
the ideas behind what life means for
me and you and everyone we know.

Wrestling daily with the idea of random chance,
that life is one big RNG of luck
and even with all the skills and talent points
put as best as you can
into your character,
the universe sized metaphorical dice
still fall on their own,
still hit numbers you could never plan for.

Flying in the face of these chances and choices,
handling outcomes unexpected,
your day is a battle,
we are all soldiers of time, all fighting
that inevitable final march,
where existence itself averts its gaze,
and the light which shone across
your form, extinguishes,
and what remains? What remains of
your actions and deeds?
Did you reach a purpose?
Did you do good or evil?
Was it worth anything to anyone besides
you, and do you even care?

Do we ever really find purpose? Do we,
like I feel I do every second that passes,
just bumble and humble and bounce
from action to place to event to the next
with an oblivious, yet strangely cognisant,
knowledge that when this ends
I will never know the next part.

We say the journey is the reward
because we all fear the end.
A sense of peace lacing our strides
into a vast void of unknowing
we are all on the same infinite path
that we want to last forever,
but we know can never be.
This impotent fury that fills
our genes and fuels our legacy and I say,
some kind of purpose for our being,
and I am awake.