Where Is Your Invite to the Afterparty?

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Plus one? No, plus none,
for this is strictly those who are in
and within a circle so small,
you could swear you are trying
to locate Pluto from the Sun.

Everyone who is everyone who wants
to be someone who is anyone, will be
wishing they could get in.
Exclusivity like a eighth generation console
and all the blast processing too!

Music? No. The sounds telepathically form
inside your drums, instantaneous they say
this is more than bands and live performances
this is creation within,
this is as pure as it gets!

Nibbles carted in from Alaska via
sledges made of diamonds, they say,
fish that only appear one hour a year
and are so slippery and quickly
that catching them is for the birds!

Oh this party is far beyond any mere mortal
presence so I am afraid, probably no one
even alive can get in, this is how picky
we truly are.
Is there anything more decadent?